Monday, October 5, 2009

The Need to Study

I can't believe exams are still on and that it's next week- actually, I kinda know since I was one of the people who spread that buttery feeling of "EXAMS ARE MOVED".
My problem now is that I don't know how I can study like this. If I study in my room I might fall asleep since I study on my bed because I don't have a desk (seriously, how cool am I?)- my desk is full of crap (i.e. my soon to be finished/thrown away novels by said author Janine Martinez and my beautiful Type Writer). Now if I study here ("The Office"- not the show... well duh for me.) I would totally be distracted by all the lights (i.e. the computer... see what I'm doing right now?). There is no easy answer to my problem just like this complicated and twisted Geometry lesson. Our teacher was teaching us something new this morning and then she told us that we will have a quiz tomorrow and I was like "WHAT?! I DON'T EVEN UNDERSTAND THE LESSON!" in my own psycho way.
I probably should study right now since I have a geom quiz tomorrow and a might be chem quiz or oral defense.

Remember Tomorrow's Schedule:
History Class

(This is what I should be doing right now... studying. Though, that picture was taken two years ago and I was definitely not studying, I was doing a puzzle.... I miss wearing that sweater. Note to self: Find that sweater.)

DAMN THIS WORLD OF MINE? NO, DAMN MY LAZY ATTITUDE! and damn that Party In The USA (by Miley Cyrus) for playing over and over again in my iPod and in my head.

Will: You guys play baseball right? What does your coach tell you about hitting.
Puck: You charge the pitcher, bring the bat.

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