Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Cask of Janintillado and the Masque of Somethin’

This must probably be a late post since tests ended this morning and I'm just blogging it right now. There's just one thing that pissed me off a few hours ago while taking the Health exam, I didn't finished. Seriously! I forgot that one disorder, La Belle (I think), and put La Shizo (I just want to fill in all the blanks). I really don't like not finishing an exam because it lowers my self-esteem and the thought of not finishing an exam will be stuck in my brain for the whole day or the whole week. It's something that isn't productive. I want to be like Sue Sylvester so failure is not an option (ahahaha!).
So far so good with my tests results (test results? tests result?) and yet not so good. Lesson learned (this week): Never make a bet with Dana that you'll have a higher grade in an exam than her (so not worth it). She's robbing 30 pesos from me and a couple of hundreds from Marrah (poor Marrah. Don't worry you'll get her in the Filipino exam). Monopoly Money.
Seriously tired right now and I'm gonna cut this entry short. I'm going to sleep right now, for the first time this week I'm going to sleep before midnight.
I fell asleep as a city of bricks; I woke up as a city of marbles. (note to self: Must argue with history teacher about the last test of her exam [>:)) ahaahahaha just kidding!]. Must tell her that no one has won a war without using Sun Tzu's The Art of War [statistically speaking]. Must finish reading The Art of War.)

If I should cast of this tattered coat
and go free into the mighty sky
if I should find nothing there
but the vast blue,
echoless, ignorant--
What then?

Answer: Then you will find Landon!


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