Saturday, April 9, 2011

It's Time I Revive My Blog

It's been a long times since I have posted an entry here. Probably because I concentrated (NOT) on the last few months of Senior Year and maybe (who am I kidding) Tumblr is taking over my life. I mean it's very accessible and very addictive but enough about Tumblr. It's time we get down to business. I start college in a month or so and I can't actually believe it.
It's not like a very big step like my sister did by moving to another country but just by moving out of my house and stay at a dorm for the rest of my college life is kind of a big climate change for me. I am preparing myself for the big change. From a private all girls school to a private (is DLSU a private school?) co-ed university. For all those who are wondering what my course is, it's literature. So as I was saying, I am preparing for the big change. I am taking yoga classes and exercising daily... I'm not doing it all for College but I might as well be. These people are vicious, they will judge me just by my size. Okay... that was mean... not just to me but for the others out there. I am trying to build my confidence up so whatever size I am, I am comfortable with everything.
I do hope I met a lot of cool people and probably make some a lot of friends. Pray for me that I will survive next school year. Probably post some more when my life becomes interesting. For the meantime check out my other blog. I usually just reblog but whatever.

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