Saturday, September 19, 2009


Today: Training was hard for me today. I don't know but last year I could easily catch a fly ball and a ground ball but now I can't. I keep on making mistakes and it's getting annoying. I can't quit now... I love the game. It's just hard. I'm just tired every single day. I just fake a smile for others so that they won't feel what I'm feeling.
I just had an idea for Investi Project next year that involves softball and video project. I want to do it. I hope it will get approve next year.
I missed The Wonder Years today. First episode and I've missed it. I hope there's a rerun tonight.

Retreat: I love it. Even though it was short, it was very inspiring. Even the Reco-letters are inspiring. Thanks to Gel I know what I want to do in life. I want to be a director or a film maker. I know it's a job that people will say is a load of crap but who cares. Film is my passion. I love our class. "Walang Malas, Walang Swerte!" (I kept on saying that during training and believe me when you're playing softball it will never work because whatever you do the ball is still going towards you.)

Degrassi: I've been obsessed with it! I've finished 2 seasons this week and I'm kinda behind on The Nanny and it just ended in hallmark (and started again but in season 1). I love the show! Seriously. I remember watching it when I was younger but season 1 only. Ugghhh... After a day's hard work it's always fun watching degrassi.

Trigo: I love trigo and all but graphing is dirty work. Now I need to rewrite my homework. ahahaha.

Yesterday's Quote From Me (directly from Sam's Twitter): (It starts raining) "YES! WALANG PASOK BUKAS! Kasi Saturday."
In translation:
(It starts raining) "YES! THERE'S NO CLASSES TOMORROW! Because Saturday."
In Spanish: ¡(Empieza a llover) "SI! ¡No HAY CLASES MAÑANA! Porque el sábado".
In French: (Il commence pleuvoir) "OUI ! Il n'y A pas DE CLASSE DEMAIN ! Parce que samedi ."
In German: (Es fängt an zu regnen) „JA! ES GIBT KEINE KLASSEN MORGEN! Weil Samstag“.

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