Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Just Leave Me Be

I have had enough of my brother’s attitude. He’s been a bitch all week and I HAVE HAD ENOUGH! It was okay at first because it was acceptable that he was just adjusting to college but this needs to stop.

Why am I speaking now and not before? Well I let him borrow my camera which is really dearest to me because IT’S MY CAMERA and it has an awesome video quality… anyway, I let him borrow it and he lend it to a friend. WHAT THE F! He thinks he could just do that? It’s not his property.

Any person is entitled to his or her property. It’s a sign of respect that whenever someone lent you something you will have to bring it back as soon as possible. You do not give it to somebody that the person you borrowed from doesn’t even effing knows.

I don’t care about your reasons. Right now your reasons are not acceptable. They are stupid reasons and I don’t even think it is school related. I let you borrow my camera because I thought it was school related. I wish you could just leave this house so that you would know what it feels like to live by yourself with your own money and own stuffs. Mother bought me the camera for MY USE. I was kind enough to lend you MY CAMERA. I never let anyone use it because IT IS MINE and I really like it.

I have lost my trust in you. You can never ask anything from me ever again. Fuck off. You can’t use my glue stick, my iPod Speakers (even though it’s dad’s but I know you are not responsible to return it… remember the previous time I let you borrow it, I was the one to get i from you) and any fucking thing that is in my room.

YOU ARE AN IRRESPONSIBLE BRAT! That is what you are. You don’t know the word and the meaning Responsibility, Liability and Reasonable. Now I think whenever I see you or talk to you I don’t know the meaning of TRUST anymore.

--This has been a post out of rage. Any wrong grammar is not acceptable to me but right now I don’t care--

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