Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What a Week

Dear [My] Blog,

What a week I have this week and last. Today is Wednesday so I still don’t know what will happen next but even if it’s just the middle of the week I feel so tired. I felt the same last week. I slept during 3 classes last week but fortunately it didn’t affect my grade as it is a miracle that I passed the quizzes they gave us.

I don’t feel like going to classes anymore. I don’t like studying. I just want  to sleep all the time and just sleep and sleep. I just want to curl up in bed and read a book. Life just needs to move forward and eventually, I still need to go to school if I want to get into a good College and working for awesome people.

Why does life have to been so hard? Time is going by so fast and I can’t  do anything about it. I just want it to slow down so that I could take a deep breath and rest.

Wow that was weird. My heart beat is beating uncommonly. I tried to count it but it just doesn’t feel right.

Ugh. I know nobody is really reading this shit but I just want to let this pain out and well… I just feel lonely and some people just doesn’t understand. I should stop now since there is no point if there is no one even reading this post.

By the way, my writing sucks so don’t mind it. ACTUALLY, I’m not good at writing so maybe I’ll just stick with blogging and less on actual writing for serious purposes. People are just forcing me to do things.

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