Monday, November 2, 2009

Before doing the the most nervy b of a homework

I just had to post this.

The Losing It Scale (by the ace-gang):
  1. Minor Tizz
  2. Complete Tizz and To-Do
  3. Strop
  4. A Visit to Strop Central
  5. F.T. (Funny Turn)
  6. Spaz Attack
  7. Complete Ditherspaz
  8. Nervy B. (Nervous Breakdown)
  9. Complete Nervy B.
  10. Ballisiticisimus
The Having the Hump Scale (by the ace gang):
  1. ignorez-vouzing
  2. sniffing (in a I-told-you-so way)
  3. head-tossing and fringe fiddling
  4. cold-shoulderosity work
  5. Midget Gems all around, but not for you
  6. pretendy deafnosity
  7. walking on ahead
  8. the quarter humpty (evils)
  9. the half humpty (evils and withdrawal of all snacks)
  10. the full humpty dumpty (walking away with full dignitosity at all times)

Oo-er! My first post of the month! It's also my 75th post! Before anyone goes all ballisticisimus on your studies I would like to fanks all the people who've supported my through out all my 75 posts.

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