It's been very long since my last post. har-har. Like anyone cares. I'm having this late night cramming thing where I forgot to study for the whole weekend then decides to study the midnight before Monday and I just finish reading 2 chapters of Noli book and I've marked 3 chapters that I've skipped because I got lazy and didn't read it. =))
I'm suppose to study English so that I could study for Computer tomorrow but right now seems so...? ahahah! I'm really tired (can't you see?) so I'm probably not making sense right now but who cares! I'm fully tired right now, not just because it's 12 something am and I'm still studying; no, it's because last week was so tiring that I've forgot that the following week will be as much as hell as before but good thing after a very hellish week I'm going to sit back and complain about the graphics of New Moon. Yes! 5-er 4 more days till New Moon and I'm soooooooo exited... NOT! You know what's more exciting than me getting sarcastically excited about new moon? Guess what? You know what? Guess what? PRACTICUM! ahahah! I'm excited yet scared of the results. Speaking of results, they're going to reveal to us who is the next SHS top model... just kidding... they're going to show us our grades for the 2nd quarter this wednesday (Oo-er).
For the Practicum:
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