Chem, why do you hate me?!? Ugh. I think I failed the test! Ugh! My brain still hurts. Good thing tomorrow it's skip test day for the juniors (just kidding), regular school day, though, but a half-day. I haven't eaten yet because I wanted
to go out today and blah and because I'm watching Gossip Girl and Degrassi.
I really wanted to go out today and buy a new book but I have to stay at home. It's raining and it's very cold, well it is for me. It's so weird to be here instead of being at school. It doesn't feel like a test day.
Intramurals are next week (for the ball games that is) and I'm really scared of what is to become of us. I wish they would excuse us from class. Exams will still continue next week until Wednesday for us, the juniors since tomorrow will be regular classes for us due to the retreat. I'm really tired of studying. I have to read 9 chapters of Noli (Tagalog Version) because I've read the English version and I don't think it'll help me on the test.
I have a lot on my mind lately. About the exams mostly and about being really really hungry right now. I'm craving for a double cheese burger and twister fries from McDonald's. Maybe I should order but I don't want to bother them because it's raining and they'd be totally pissed if I want them to deliver it and it's raining. I don't know. Maybe I should wait till my mom wakes up.
Okay so maybe I should really go out on Friday morning, since we don't have classes this Friday, and study in the afternoon. I better start today so that I can go out on Friday.
I really want to watch the new episode of Emma (2009 TV Serial), Glee, 90210 and Vampire Diaries. I know what to do today (instead of studying) I shall read book two of Night World by L.J. Smith (Author of Vampire Diaries, who is better than Stephenie Meyer because Vampire Diaries and True Blood came first than Twilight and both books are more creative that the whole twilight series. TWILIGHT SUCKS AND THEN YOU DIE!
Must read List:
[] Vampire Diaries
[] The Southern Vampire Mysteries (Or True Blood)
[] Viola in Reel Life
And many more…
It's raining and I'm really hungry. Thou shall post a poem by John Keats.
Bright Star
Bright star, would I were steadfast as thou art--
Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night
And watching, with eternal lids apart,
Like nature's patient, sleepless Eremite,
The moving waters at their priestlike task
Of pure ablution round earth's human shores,
Or gazing on the new soft-fallen mask
Of snow upon the mountains and the moors--
No--yet still stedfast, still unchangeable,
Pillow'd upon my fair love's ripening breast,
To feel for ever its soft fall and swell,
Awake for ever in a sweet unrest,
Still, still to hear her tender-taken breath,
And so live ever--or else swoon to death.
I gotta update my Movie List (even though I promise that it was for the summer only).
Movie List Update:
[x]1. How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (funny! you should really see this... one of the best romantic comedies.)
[x]2. Ghosts of Girlfriends Past (corny)
[x]3. Hannah Montana: The Movie (I know it sounds stupid but I would really want to see how it goes)
[x]4. The Proposal
[x]5. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (yeah I know that this movie does not come out until the end of summer, actually one month after summer, but what the hell?)
[x]6. He's Just Not That Into You (I think it's like Love Actually but I don't know... :|)
7. Because I Said So
8. Fame (the 2009 one)
[x]9. Raising Helen
10. I Love You, Beth Cooper
11. The Jerk Theory
[x]12. The Ugly Truth
[x]13. Ink Heart
14. Imagine That
[x]15. Princess Protection Program (It sounds kinda lame but I adore Demi Lovato)
16. Repo! the Genetic Opera
[x]17. 17 Again (just saw it! Let me tell you this... ZAC EFRON IS SUPER HOT!)
[x]18. Easy Virtue (COLIN FIRTH!)
[x]19. Bridget Jones Diary
[x]20. Bridget Jones's Diary: The Edge of Reasons
[x]21. Love Actually
[x]22. Halloweentown High (I just wanna see Lucas Grabeel)
[x]23. Grease
[x]24. Notting Hill
[x]25. Kate and Leopold
[x]26. 10 Things I Hate About You (I can't believe they're going to remake this into a TV series... you cannot remake a film that was perfectly been done by Heath Ledger, may he rest in peace)
[x]27. Ever After
[x]28. Failure To Launch
[x]29. What a Girl Wants (any Colin Firth movie will do)
[x]30. Chasing Liberty
[x]31. Marley and Me (so sad)
[x]32. Penelope (sweetest movie ever! I just love james mcavoy's character)
33. Confessions of an Ugly Step Sister (I'm also finding the time to read the book)
[x]34. Music Man (2003 Version) (LOVE IT LOVE IT LOVE IT!!!)
[x]35.Miss Pettigrew Lives for a Day (August 21, 2009)
36 .Nicholas Nickleby
[x]37. Music Man (1962 Version) (I LOVE IIIIIT!! :>)
38.They Came From Upstairs
[x]39. Jane Austen Book Club (Excellent!)
[x]41. Persuasion (2007 version :"> Capt. Wentworth!)
[x]42. Northanger Abbey (any version, probably the latest one) (I love the 2007 version! Mr. Tilney! but the best actor/actress was the one who played Catherine... she was so beautiful and so funny! great actress... she's in Cheri too! :D)
[x]43. Mansfield Park (same as Northanger Abbey)
44. The Young Victoria (the guy from Cheri was there :">)
[x]45. Anastasia (again, please!) - 8/14/09
46. The Time Traveler's Wife (ERIC BANA!!! :">)
47. New York, I Love You
48. New Moon (well... I'm not that excited as before :| )
[x]49. Clueless (HAHAHAHA!)
[x]50. Angels and Demons
51. Valentine's Day
52. Fame (old version)
53. Jose Rizal (1998 Version)
[x]54. Fired Up
55. Whip It
56. An Education
57. Coco Before Chanel
58. Bright Star
Well that's it for me today.