Ah, I am glad that you asked me this because once more I am able to display my huge talent for historiosity. Most English kings and queens get nicknames like “Richard the Lionheart” (because he was brave and so on) or “Good Queen Bess”. Ethelred (who lived a long long time ago, even before Slim was a young boy) is famous for being “unready”. The Vikings came to England to pillage and shake their big red legs at the English folk. They sneaked into his castle and caught Ethelred in the loo, and took over the castle. Hence his name – Ethelred the Unready. He’s lucky that is all he’s called. Things could be much worse: he could be called Ethelred the Pooey, or Ethelred on the Looey.
This made me laugh! Guess what, my little chum-ettes, I've bought "Are these my Basoomas I see before me?". WOOOOH!!!
Lumos Maximus! (glows) Lumos Maximus! (glows) Party on! (glows different colors)
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