Thursday, June 10, 2010

Third day of School

So, I did promise that I will be exercising after school but I didn't do it yesterday and today. One thing happened yesterday and it wasn't a pretty thing. I lost my envelope where I put all my college application stuff there and had to find it everywhere. It was raining and I left it in the tricycle that brought me home that day. I was standing outside of the house while it was raining so hard, waiting for that tricycle to come back. Good thing that tricycle driver was a saint. I got my envelope back with the help of my mom. But I really had a bad day and my day suck yesterday. I had to watch Glee at around 4 pm because it was the season finale.

Today. The reason I didn't had the time to exercise was because FI (my club and the school's drama club) was having a practice until 4 ish pm and I since I had a heart and didn't want to leave my friend alone waiting for her car I waited with her. Her car came at around 5ish and she offered to bring me home. Another saint to save the day. When I got home I was so tired and I really just want to use the computer and not eat. When I went inside the house there was a giant pizza box and I ate 2 pizza slices. I couldn't resist. Oh well. I need to make up from the lack of exercise for 2 days tomorrow and on Saturday. Good luck to me.
This is me again. Signing off.

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