You know what I really hate the most about my computer. Ever since it got converted into Windows 7, it’s been so slow. I thought Windows 7 will make things fast. Also, it just shuts down or suddenly breaks. Ugh. I can’t even edit there anymore because of the choppy effects of video on video editors. I’m going to have a hard time editing our LNW project. This will be the last time I would be volunteering for a project with editing video for it’s component. I want a computer that would not be choppy when editing a video. I can’t use my laptop because the movie maker I have here won’t accept the type of video I have. Why does it have to be so hard? I’m goin’ to cry.
I wish my brother would know the problem and fix it. I wish he knows how to fix it. Now I’ve got this last project to do before I can finally catch my breath.

This is me with my hair all messed up. It’s 7:35 pm, I’m waiting for dinner and I think it won’t be very delightful. I’ve got lots of projects to worry about and I’m still wearing the shirt I wore for training today. I know, That’s disgusting, but we didn’t even do anything for training. Just a meeting and we played “Agawan Base” it’s like “Catch the Flag” only I don’t know the rules of AB. Our team won though.
We wore dresses today because tomorrow will be our feastday and our CL teacher forced us to wear dresses. Okay maybe not forced but I was definitely forced because I did not agree on wearing a dress. But still I wore a dress. I know I didn’t looked nice wearing it though. Most of my batchmates were wearing dresses that were too short which was very annoying. I have to side with the teachers with this topic. There are just some people I see when they’re wearing super short dresses that they look like prostitutes. But there are some who actually carried it off but of course nothing can stop them from being told off by the teachers. Damn those faculty cops. Just kidding. I really hate seeing people with dresses soooo short. I don’t know why but I think I’m a classy person and I like classy dresses.
So yeah, we went to school wearing (suppose to be) “lady like” dresses and then we went to mass with the grade school pupils. I really feel so embarrass by my batch. Not only was it embarrassing for the grade school seeing my batchmates wearing short dresses but it was really embarrassing because their reactions are pure disappointment. I always wanted to leave my school with a good reputation and have my batch not be labeled as somewhat-slutty in style and in attitude. I don’t mean to offend my batchmates but, really now. We’re the eldest in the school and we act like we’re back in the first grade; very immature, noisy and insensitive (though back in the first grade it wasn’t that harsh and they didn’t called us that back then, they called us “too young to fully know what they’re doing” or something like that).
The truth is I’m not that very happy with my batch. It’s not that I hate it or something, I’m just not that happy. It’s like ever since we started being seniors some of them feels highly superior from the rest of us. Just a memo Queenbee wannabes. you say that there are no patches that would separate us from the lower levels and yet you think that you are highly superior to those of your own age. Another truth, I really can’t wait to graduate. The more time I spend with those people I see everyday for 12 years the more I really get sick of them.
You might say that I’m a social loser for degrading some of the people I know but I don’t believe in society rank at school. It’s just the truth about what I feel. It’s not something to put a war against me on, it’s just something I really think about. I wouldn’t have thought of this if I hadn’t seen our attitudes today at school during the mass and mostly the whole day.
I hope if someone from my batch has seen this, I really DO hope that you wouldn’t hold this against me. This is my personal blog, I can put anything in it. Just as long as I don’t use names of real people and places.
Other news. My mom bought me a book yesterday because it was 50% off and she thought it would help me through my college years. I do hope so. But if it doesn’t, at least it has satisfied my enjoyment. Here’s what it looks like.

Okay, I better leave now or I might start an entry rampage. Oh yeah. Ignore my face.